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Luxury Deluxe Satin 100% Cotton Fabric | Seoul
🌅 Leiskite spalvoms pripildyti jūsų miegamąjį su "Seoul“ dizaino audiniu iš "Deluxe“ kolekcijos. Šis pasteliniais atspalviais pereinantis ombré dizainas sukuria raminančią ir svajingą atmosferą, kuri puikiai derės tiek prie modernių,...
Cotton Fabric | Starry Rain
Cotton fabric is highly durable and resistant to tearing. It washes easily, allowing dirt and stains to be removed effortlessly. We recommend washing at temperatures no higher than 40°C. Natural...
Cotton Fabric | Cloud Gray
Cotton fabric is highly durable and resistant to tearing. It washes easily, allowing dirt and stains to be removed effortlessly. We recommend washing at temperatures no higher than 40°C. Natural...
Cotton Fabric | Football
Cotton fabric is highly durable and resistant to tearing. It washes easily, allowing dirt and stains to be removed effortlessly. We recommend washing at temperatures no higher than 40°C. Natural...
Cotton Fabric | Watercolor
Cotton fabric is highly durable and resistant to tearing. It washes easily, allowing dirt and stains to be removed effortlessly. We recommend washing at temperatures no higher than 40°C. Natural...
Cotton Fabric | Purple
Cotton fabric is highly durable and resistant to tearing. It washes easily, allowing dirt and stains to be removed effortlessly. We recommend washing at temperatures no higher than 40°C. Natural...
Cotton Fabric | Argyle
Cotton fabric is highly durable and resistant to tearing. It washes easily, allowing dirt and stains to be removed effortlessly. We recommend washing at temperatures no higher than 40°C. Natural...
Luxury Premium Satin 100% Cotton Fabric | Pure Cashmere
💤 Švelnus ir prabangus Premium satino medvilnės audinys Jūsų unikaliam projektui! Mūsų Premium kolekcijos audinys – tai aukščiausios kokybės 100% medvilnės satinas, kuris puikiai tinka, jei norite pasisiūti savo unikalų patalynės...
Luxury Deluxe Satin 100% Cotton Fabric | Kyoto
🌸 Pasinerkite į harmoniją ir ramybę su "Kyoto“ – išskirtiniu audiniu iš mūsų Deluxe kolekcijos. Švelniai alyvinės spalvos fonas, padabintas subtiliais baltais žiedais, sukuria lengvumo ir elegancijos pojūtį, primenantį pavasario...
Cotton Fabric | Love Path
Cotton fabric is highly durable and resistant to tearing. It washes easily, allowing dirt and stains to be removed effortlessly. We recommend washing at temperatures no higher than 40°C. Natural...
Cotton Fabric | Shell
Cotton fabric is highly durable and resistant to tearing. It washes easily, allowing dirt and stains to be removed effortlessly. We recommend washing at temperatures no higher than 40°C. Natural...
Cotton Fabric | Autumn Flowers
Cotton fabric is highly durable and resistant to tearing. It washes easily, allowing dirt and stains to be removed effortlessly. We recommend washing at temperatures no higher than 40°C. Natural...
Cotton Fabric | Antique
Cotton fabric is highly durable and resistant to tearing. It washes easily, allowing dirt and stains to be removed effortlessly. We recommend washing at temperatures no higher than 40°C. Natural...
Cotton Fabric | Valentine
Cotton fabric is highly durable and resistant to tearing. It washes easily, allowing dirt and stains to be removed effortlessly. We recommend washing at temperatures no higher than 40°C. Natural...
Cotton Fabric | Mini Flowers
Cotton fabric is highly durable and resistant to tearing. It washes easily, allowing dirt and stains to be removed effortlessly. We recommend washing at temperatures no higher than 40°C. Natural...
Cotton Fabric | Metro
Medvilninis audinys yra labai tvirtas, sunkiai plyšta. Medvilniniai audiniai lengvai skalbiami, lengvai pašalinami nešvarumai ir dėmės. Skalbti rekomenduojame ne aukštesnės kaip 40° C laipsnių temperatūros vandenyje. Šiltame vandenyje skalbiami audiniai, neapdoroti...
Cotton Fabric | Ember
Medvilninis audinys yra labai tvirtas, sunkiai plyšta. Medvilniniai audiniai lengvai skalbiami, lengvai pašalinami nešvarumai ir dėmės. Skalbti rekomenduojame ne aukštesnės kaip 40° C laipsnių temperatūros vandenyje. Šiltame vandenyje skalbiami audiniai, neapdoroti...
Luxury Deluxe Satin 100% Cotton Fabric | Jaipur
🦋 "Jaipur" – indų kultūros įkvėptas grožis jūsų miegamajame. Šis Deluxe satino medvilninis audinys, įkvėptas Jaipuro miesto, pasižymi elegantiškais ir unikaliais paisley raštais, suteikiančiais interjerui išskirtinį žavesį. Pilkos ir baltos spalvos...
Cotton Fabric | Sparrow
Cotton fabric is highly durable and resistant to tearing. It washes easily, allowing dirt and stains to be removed effortlessly. We recommend washing at temperatures no higher than 40°C. Natural...
Cotton Fabric | Sheer Pink
Cotton fabric is highly durable and resistant to tearing. It washes easily, allowing dirt and stains to be removed effortlessly. We recommend washing at temperatures no higher than 40°C. Natural...
Cotton Fabric | Daisy
Cotton fabric is highly durable and resistant to tearing. It washes easily, allowing dirt and stains to be removed effortlessly. We recommend washing at temperatures no higher than 40°C. Natural...
Luxury Deluxe Satin 100% Cotton Fabric | Frankfurt
🌆 "Frankfurt" – modernus ir stilingas audinys, suteikiantis interjerui rafinuotumo. Minimalistinis šachmatų lentos įkvėptas dizainas, kuriame dera smėlio ir pilkos spalvos atspalviai, puikiai papildys šiuolaikišką arba industrinio stiliaus miegamąjį. 💤 Švelnus...
Cotton Fabric | Smooth
Cotton fabric is highly durable and resistant to tearing. It washes easily, allowing dirt and stains to be removed effortlessly. We recommend washing at temperatures no higher than 40°C. Natural...
Cotton Fabric | Silence
Cotton fabric is highly durable and resistant to tearing. It washes easily, allowing dirt and stains to be removed effortlessly. We recommend washing at temperatures no higher than 40°C. Natural...